Our Sangue di Giuda Doc 2016 was awarded the silver medal at the prestigious IWSC international competition in London

5 gold medals obtained at the national Douja D’Or competition in Asti, here are the awarded wines: Riesling Brinà 2014, Pinot noir Campo del Lago 2014, sparkling Chardonnay 2014, sparkling Bonarda Bricco del Prete 2014 and the Pinot Nero Cà Classic Method del Ge 2010

Our Pinot Spumante Classic Method Cà del Gè 2007 DOCG has obtained the GOLDEN STAR recognition in the guide

Three wines awarded with a gold medal: Bonarda sparkling DOC 2013, Chardonnay Sparkling DOC 2013 and Pinot Nero vinif. sparkling white DOC 2013

Our Pinot Spumante Metodo Classico 2007 DOCG has been selected by journalists Paolo Massobrio and Marco Gatti among the best 100 wines of Italy Il Golosario Guide

Maximum recognition for our Classic Method sparkling wine Cà del Gè 2007 docg which wins 4 camun roses, 3 roses for Bonarda La Fidela and 2 roses for Riesling Filagn Long

Three of our wines have obtained 2 glasses in this important guide: Spumante Metodo Classico 2007 docg, Bonarda La Fidela and Riesling Filagn Long

Cà del Gè on the podium of this important international competition, our SPUMANTE METODO CLASSICO CA’ DEL GE’ DOCG vintage 2007 was awarded the BRONZE MEDAL

Three gold medals obtained by the following wines: Moscato 2012, Pinot Nero v/bianco 2012 and Barbera Vigna Varmasì 2011

Recognition with mention quality/price for our Spumante Oltrepo Pavese Docg Classic Method 2007 issued by the tasting commission of TigullioVino.it

Our Classic Method sparkling wine Cà del Gè Docg 2007 obtained an excellent score at the tasting carried out by the Merum editorial staff

Two of our wines obtained the gold medal at the 40th Douja d’Or National Competition in Asti RIESLING 2011 and RIESLING FRIZZANTE 2011

Our SPUMANTE METODO PINOT NERO DOCG 2007 was awarded the diploma of merit in this important international competition.

Three of our wines mentioned in the guide SPUMANTE MET.CLASSICO 2006, RIESLING DOC 2010, BONARDA DOC 2010, BONARDA DOC LA FIDELA 2007

Tre dei nostri vini sono stati premiati con medaglia d’oro a questo importante concorso nazionale BONARDA DOC 2010, RIESLING DOC 2010, MOSCATO DOC 2010